Monday, December 6, 2010

Listamania 7.0: Wowee!

I am not usually the type to post a "hey this is how awesome (or lame!) this year was, and next year is going to be even better, so here's my list of things I'm going to adhere to for next year (or at least tell you I will and not follow through)" type of person. So today I will, INSTEAD, make a listamania 5 of my favorite things I got to do this year and 5 things I'll get to do next year. Neither of these lists is complete or exhausted!

This year I ...

1. Started going to a new church on my own and found great community there. God was definitely working in me the first day I started going to HNW, and has been working through me ever since. I am so glad to be able to serve and be involved in so many ways!

2. Started my (hopefully lifelong) career with the best company ever. Because this is the internet, that's all I'll say about that.

3. Made new friends but kept the old. One is silver, and the other is gold. Nobody has ever told me how that phrase makes sense, but I love that song. Repeat repeat repeat. All of my friends (new and old!) are GOLLLLD! I am quite blessed to say the least!

4. Visited Australia for work, and got to spend the most time away from home by myself that I ever have. While I had fun and had lots of work to do, I definitely did not want to regret my time away. I finally fulfilled a lifelong dream of holding a koala. I went to the most beautiful place ever. And I got to eat the best Australian cuisine. Which, if you've heard my stories, was a big deal because I was never hungry there. Tasty food was few and far between.

5. Lived an entire year on my own. I have always been a very independent person, so I am very glad to be able to do this right out of college, and pretty smartly too. At least that's what I like to think. Since this is not something that everyone gets to do, I think it's quite an accomplishment.

Next year I ...

1. Will visit at least 7 countries: Nigeria, Canada, Honduras, Italy, France, Spain, and Tunisia. Whether for work, missions, or rest and relaxation....I hope to spend my time wisely and stay safe!

2. Will continue my quest of reading through the Bible in 1 year. I have already skipped a few days, regrettably, so I hope to be done by Nov. 1, 2011.

3. Live more unselfishly. I hope to be able to step out of my comfort zone to reach more people for Christ. Prayers and strength are requested and much needed! I need to learn to graciously love those around me and love being able to do that.

4. Become a mentor for others at work. Again, this is work, so that's all I'll say.

5. Stay on the path towards becoming  a real grown up :) It's fun so far!!