Saturday, June 18, 2011

Time flies

Time does fly when you're having fun, but also when you're not. It just passes, is that not okay to say? Anyways, for me, YES, time has indeed flown. Months and months have been consumed doing many things. Recently a group of friends and I were talking about blogging, and I realized that mine has sort of become a catch-all for lists and randomness. And I was also thinking about how it urks me when people have to try really really hard to think up what to write in their blog. However, different blogs have different purposes, but mine is to share my experiences, thoughts, and see if anyone else has experienced something similar. It's not to teach lessons or force my opinion upon your life; just a sharing opportunity. I'll let you in on what's been going on...this is the short version because my mind and self have been wandering to MANY different places lately.

I spent most of this month dreaming, looking, and calculating out how God had allowed me the opportunity to invest in a home. 4 weeks to the day that I looked at a house, I owned it. That leads to February.

Mid-month I was a homeowner and had the help of dear friends to move in. Then started the unpacking...which took forever because of what occurred over the next month. You'll see. The cleaning, organizing, getting used to it all...whew! how tiring! Well worth it.

Early in the month, a group from our church (plus a few folks scattered around the outskirts of Houston) went to Honduras to spread the Good News of our Savior, Jesus Christ to a community there. It was on this trip that the Lord confirmed that one day I will be a full-time missionary overseas. When I was little one of my many answers to "What do you want to be when you grow up?" was "Missionary" and even though I will probably never be any of those other things (teacher, WNBA basketball player) at least one of them has been confirmed, right? ;) I was back for a few days before I headed to Vancouver, Canada to work for a week. We got a lot done, and I definitely would like to visit Vancouver again someday.

The month of the blur. I spent most of this month unpacking everything in my house (aka in the first 7 days haha) and then welcomed friends and family over for housewarming parties and visits so they could share in this experience with me. I was also finally free of paying for 2 living situations at the same time - WOOHOO! Many little home improvements here and there began to occur. Then, at my first housewarming party a lovely ceiling leak was discovered. It took an entire month with many different appointments here and there to tear out 2/3 of a bedroom ceiling, repair the leak, replace insulation, and get the drywall/ceiling put back up. Also, both of my toilets were broken at the same time, but I fixed them using the help of internet how-to pages. Thank you, internet!

Mid-month I left for my first real vacation in....I'm not sure how long. I don't think I ever went on vacation in college, besides weekend trips, so it's been a while. My vacation days are usually spent on mission trips, or camp, or something with church and I love it! Sooo after a Mediterranean cruise filled with 7 days, 6 ports of call (5 countries), I was beat. As soon as I came back from there I have been going like an energizer bunny ever since. I cannot believe that was only a month ago.

We've been really busy at work, and I'm trying to get used to the "summer is here so everyone wants to do fun things but I'm really exhausted" phase again. My first niece ever was born a week ago, and I'm really excited to share in her growing up with my Brother and Sister-in-law. Our family is really blessed to live so close to each other :-) Vacation Bible School has already come and gone. In 4 days we are leaving for Student Camp. So excited!

While I have been extremely busy, I have not been keeping up with my "bible through the year" reading exactly in order, but I've definitely still been doing my reading. Along with reading a book a friend gave me called "The Power of  Praying Woman." That is definitely an area of my Spiritual Walk that I have always struggled with, so it's been neat to put into practice directly what I have been learning - especially in these insanely busy times! And this communication with the Lord is definitely the only thing that has kept me grounded in these months of uncertainty and priority-setting.

Until next time,

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Lo Siento!

I haven't been writing much here, but that's because I have been VERY busy and have also been trying not to spend a lot of time on the computer. I will probably only write here when I actually do-a devotional blog I share with a couple friends, but I'll be back from time to time!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Listamania 8.0: Life of a Scrooge?

I am beginning to realize that I am such an old Scrooge, and sometimes dare I say the Grinch, about many holidays that others find fun. Not really Easter, Christmas, Thanksgiving, the New Year, or the 4th of July though. Do not worry. I have a heart.

While I'm on the subject of the 4th of July, I'll share a great quote that I cannot forget about such a fun holiday!
"You look like the Fourth of July! Makes me want a hot dog REAL BAD!" 
 -Legally Blonde 2: Red, White and Blonde's my top 10 list of Grinchtastic items... 

1. I HATE Halloween. We never celebrated as a kid, and I'm not that big of a fan of candy anyway.

2. I despise St. Patrick's Day. Most likely due to the fact that it's the day before my birthday. But also largely in part due to the fact that pinching people for not wearing green is just silly.

3. I dread April Fool's Day. Definitely big on playing practical jokes, but not so big on the receiving. :-/

4. I never liked Homecoming. And probably never will. Mums are overrated and a waste of money. What ever happened to homecoming really being about people coming back home?!

5. Valentine's Day is annoying. Maybe that's because even when I actually had a Valentine -maybe that was once?- it wasn't special. Let's show love to others all the time! Not just on one certain day.

6. Getting dressed up to go places is not always fun. Why try to impress so much? Not for me.

7. Crowds are scary. I love people, but crowds...not so much. I have been afraid of potential pickpockets ever since I visited Prague a few years ago. I like to be by myself also, so if there are too many people around I get awkward- even if I know everyone and am BFF with them all!

8. I do not party well at costume parties. Kind of related to Halloween, but I don't like it when people dress up and fake being things/people that they aren't.

9. Renting movies to watch at home with others is not ideal fun. I cannot sit still! I must DO THINGS! Nothing feels like a bigger waste of time than sitting still at home. I love movies, but I have to watch them by myself while doing other things (crafts, cleaning, organizing, etc.) or else I will fall asleep.

10. I am a grinch about being a grinch. I never realized until recently how many things I have to shrug and pretend I like when I really don't. Sorry friends, but this is me!

Please believe I still have a heart!! And a big one at that!