Friday, October 8, 2010

Letting Go

Found in an old document from about 8 years ago. I think most-if not all- of it was copied from something else. Can't remember. I remember tweaking it a bit to fit me for some reason. This was right after my friend Kourtni passed away after collapsing during off-season basketball practice freshman year of high school.

"Letting Go"
If I knew it would be the last time hat I'd see you fall asleep,
I would tuck you in more tightly and pray the Lord, your soul to keep.
If I knew it would be the last time that I see you walk out the door,
I would give you a hug and kiss and call you back for one more.
If I knew it would be the last time I'd hear your voice lifted up in praise,
I would video tape each action and word, so I could play them back day after day.
If I knew it would be the last time, I could spare an extra minute to stop and say "I love you,"
Instead of assuming you know I do.
If I knew it would be the last time I would be there to share your day,
Well I'm sure you'll have so many more, so I can let just this one slip away.
For surely there's always tomorrow to make up for an oversight,
And we always get a second chance to make everything just right.
There will always be another day to say "I love you,"
But it seems others just don’t understand it like I do.
If I had just one more day, I would hold you forever
Instead of sitting here, lonely, enduring this disaster.
If I knew I wouldn’t again get to see your smile
I’d run in sadness, sadness that lasts a mile
If I knew I wouldn’t get to see you tomorrow
I wouldn’t avoid it, for you cannot hide from sorrow
Even though this setting made me feel extremely odd
I had to let go and just LET GOD.

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